مقالات مواضيع جديدة

موضوع عن الصداقة باللغة الانجليزية

موضوع عن الصداقة باللغة الانجليزية D55Ab65C7E4Febf779F20A1196C8Cb20 1

Characteristics of a good friend Where did you meet your best friend Are they from
your local neighborhood Or did you meet them on afamily occasion – a birthday party
perhaps or a wedding- Perhaps they are colleague at school.

موضوع عن الصداقة باللغة الانجليزية 20160720 3142
Which characteristic do you like in your friend Is it their attitude to life –
optimistic, always excepting thing to get better Is it their behavior – their funny jokes
and interesting stories Or is it the way you can always trust them to help
you when you have a problem Or perhaps, it is because they don’t criticize you,
they just accept the way you are.
In this report you will know all the characteristics of the good friend. What is
the real and good friendship And how to choose your friends?We wish that you will
like and enjoy it
First: The definition of a good friend:
A good friend is someone who is caring, loving and above all an entertainment factor
in your life. Not a depressing one all the while. And as the saying goes
a “friend in need is a friend in deed”, abide by it and you will
definitely find your true friend…موضوع عن الصداقة باللغة الانجليزية 20160720 3143
Second: When do you find your good friend?
If you really want to know who is a good friend then just look back
to the time when you were in difficult moments. The one who was there to
console you is definitely the one who is your true friend. A good friend never
fails to see the right in you and will always take a little courage to
correct the wrong in you. A good friend will help you in all your times
of trouble and will never say ‘no’, if the time and situation
demands it.
Third: Characteristics of the good friend:
A friend must endow with many qualities. First, he gives what is hard to give.
He gives without asking you to give instead. Second, He does for you what is
hard to do, even if this doing is harmful or difficult for him. He reveals
his secrets to you because he trusts you. Instead he keeps your secrets. Also he
loves you, looks after you, listens to you, and helps you when you need. Of
course he doesn’t put you down or hurt your feelings. He must like you as
yourself, but this doesn’t mean that he mustn’t correct your mistakes. Your friend also understands
you more than any body else. He understands your feeling and your problems. Then He
tries to make you happy all the time and to solve your problems without asking
him to do this. Of course he must forgive you when you apologize. Some people
say that your friend should enjoy the same things you do. Any way friendship and
the Characteristics of the good friend is something we can talk about it a lot.
But as we think, we haven’t to tell the friends what they should do for
each other. They know these things by themselves because they must just love each other.
موضوع عن الصداقة باللغة الانجليزية 20160720 3144
Forth: How to choose your friend?
You can’t pick your brothers and sisters. You inherit them, and hopefully grow to love
and appreciate them. But of course you can choose your friends. And because it’s important
and not easy to choose your friend. We will talk about this point. First we
want to tell you that it is far worse to have the wrong sort of
friends than to have no friends at all. Friends have much influence over us. Their
ideas soon become ours. My mother used to tell me that “birds of a feather
flock together.” So we can say that a man who walks with wise men will
be wise. Then we should tell you that a man who wants to have friends
must himself be friendly. So if you want to have good friends, be one yourself!
Next when you choose your friend care a lot about his believes. Because it will
be yours by the time. As we said before: friends affect each other. Also you
must care about his Characteristics because you will deal with him. So you will deal
with his Characteristics. Any way we wish you real and perfect friendship.

At last we hope that you can choose your friend wisely now. And don’t forget
that friendship is very important to make life easy and happy. So always care about
your friends and about their dealing with life. Now we can say that friendship is
a nice thing and we wish your think about our report is nice also. Thank
you for reading. We are waiting for your opinion and good luck



  • الصديق بالانجليزية
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